What’s In The Young Living Essential Oils Starter Kit?
Today, I'm going to be running through all the oils you get and some other goodies in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit.
You can access your own kit here: http://bit.ly/starterkitwithKatie
Watch this video or read below!
All right, let's start with Stress Away.
There are a few ways that you can use Stress Away. One of them right now in my favorite season of the year, fall, is to add it with Cinnamon Bark in my diffuser (I have the lantern diffuser…ADORABLE). Imagine the leaves softly falling from the trees, the crisp fresh air that’s just the perfect temperature to be able to throw on your favorite pair of jeans and the comfiest sweatshirt that’s been tucked away all summer. It’s the waft of cinnamon and vanilla hitting your nose as the door to the cider mill swings open with each person entering or exiting. Instant comfort.
Panaway is the pain oil. That's the best way to remember what to use it for. I like to use this even in combination with peppermint. It's really good for sore achy muscles. A lot of times my knees bother me, especially if I'm exercising. I can use a drop of this and some peppermint maybe in my palm and just put it over the spot that's sore.
If somebody asked me what my one oil is that I could not live without--if I had to pick ONE, that would be very difficult, but I would have to say peppermint. My favorite way to use peppermint is really just to smell it, to be honest. I keep this in my purse. This one goes EVERYWHERE with me. Peppermint is great for motion sickness or just general yucky-ness. You can also apply it actually on your stomach and I do that, too. If you have a bellyache, maybe ate too much or something didn't agree with you, just put some in a carrier oil, one drop around your belly button, and for me it takes about 10 minutes and my stomachache is gone.
Talking about stomach issues, Digize. Maybe you have a bug and you're just--you know, like the one that lasts a couple days. This one for me, I like to also pair with peppermint so it's kind of like a double action stomach fixer.
Lavender is great in the diffuser. I also like to put a drop in my mascara. I get a new tube of mascara and I just open it up and I put one drop in. It's really good for eyelashes and skin in general. I also like to add it into my nighttime routine. I use witch hazel as an astringent and I just put some lavender in my witch hazel, put some on a cotton pad and use all over my face. I like how it makes my face feel refreshed before I go to bed.
Thieves. I use thieves a lot in my diffuser, especially during the sick months of the year. It helps get rid of all the airborne junk. Personally, I also like to use thieves sometimes on my toothpaste. I actually use Thieves toothpaste, but I like to amp it up sometimes.
Who doesn't love lemon?? It just smells really fresh and clean. I like to use lemon in the garbage disposal. My garbage disposal just gets gross, nasty, old food smelling, whatever. Just put a couple drops of lemon and walk away. Odor gone. I also love using it in the diffuser. If I'm just wanting that fresh clean smell in the house because maybe someone's coming over--maybe I didn't exactly clean the whole house, but yeah it smells clean.
Raven is for respiratory or lung issues. This is something that you can use to open up. It allows you to breathe better, so this is one I'm definitely gonna keep close by during sick season.
Peace and calming is great in the diffuser. Why? Because it will benefit everyone in the space. EVERYONE. Like those kids who are doing laps around the kitchen to the living room while you’re trying to clean up the last of the 85 dishes and cups that have accumulated throughout the day (heaven forbid they use the same cup throughout the day without getting a new one every time) weaving and dodging around them as they slide across the tile to make the turn (sometimes not successful at making the turn). It might take a minute, but soon enough, the kids version of the Indy 500 (in socks) starts to slow down as the contestants vehicles start to run out of gas. The Peace and Calming flag waves and signals the last lap.
Valor is one that I use like perfume. I'll put Valor on put some on my finger and I might put it like behind my ears or on my wrists. For me, Valor really helps in those situations where I get super nervous and I went through a patch where my nerves were taking over and I couldn't relax. I would take my Valor with me and I would have it and even if I didn't put it on again a lot of these oils you can just smell them and you get the benefit that way too maybe you put it on before a presentation at work maybe it's good for your kids during the test-taking time.
Frankincense is--frankincense is awesome. Frankincense is really good paired with Lavender or just on its own maybe in your face lotion or a moisturizer that you put on every day. It's kind of like an anti-aging oil. It’s also an overall good vibe kind of oil. If I feel like my house needs a little uplifting, people are crabby and argumentative, I throw this in the diffuser to give everyone’s moods a lift. Frankincense paired with Thieves is a go-to in the diffuser at nighttime when they get that lingering, nagging cough that seems to last all night--you know, the one that keeps them from resting completely.
Citrus fresh is like lemon amped up. It's like a whiff of springtime air when you can finally open the windows after a long winter season. It brings feelings of brightness and happiness. It’s a blend of spearmint, grapefruit, tangerine, orange. Let's just call it supercharged lemon. It's my happy oil.
Thieves spray also comes in the starter kit. It’s super convenient and fits in your purse. You can spray it anywhere and everywhere including inside your car (steering wheel, seats, air), public restroom seats, door handles, shopping cart handles. Right now, I think we all would have more peace of mind knowing we can lessen the nasty germs around us. Thieves spray helps do just that (plus it smells good).
You also get Thieves Hand Purifier samples. It’s the Thieves spray companion. It comes in a gel form you can rub on your hands after you’ve pumped gas, used a public restroom, reached back to take whatever your kid is trying to hand you while you’re driving (gum, a sucker with no wrapper).
Choosing a diffuser for your kit is the next step. There are options that come for no extra charge and then there are some fancy-dancy diffusers that cost a little more. The Dew Drop is a basic, reliable diffuser without too many options and functions on it. Sometimes less is more, right? (Although, I have to say the Lantern diffuser is seriously the cutest and lights up a whole bunch of different colors, including flickering candlelight).
I can’t talk about the kit without talking about Ningxia Red. Back when I first got into essential oils, my husband thought it was all a little foofy. He just wasn't into the idea of them really at all. I would offer lemon for his sore throat only to get shut down with “the look.” But there was a time when he got curious. I had the Ningxia Red in the fridge (it’s best served cold) and he decided he wanted to try it. One time turned into him hoarding all of it and saying he needed it. He used to get sick all the time. Once he started taking one shot of Ningxia every morning with his vitamins, he hardly ever got sick. For this reason, Ningxia stays on my shipment every single month (I get 24% back from my monthly order to spend on free stuff).
There are no commitments when you purchase a starter kit other than committing to being open to learning some more natural options for you and your household. You get your starter kit for $165. You are NOT signing up to be part of the business (you can do that later if you choose). You are not locked into anything other than enjoying your oils!
I'm here to help you out. I'm here to answer questions. Please email me simplykatieann@hotmail.com
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