Dying Hair with Henna Versus Chemical Dye (STEP BY STEP)
Natural hair dye versus traditional chemical dye…Does it really work?
I’ve been making natural option swaps where I can for a while now. In researching hair dye, I came across this idea to use henna. I’ll admit, I was a bit skeptical.
The first thing I had to figure out was where I was going to order it.
Before I wrote this blog, I wanted to try a couple different brands to be able to give an honest review, to see if there was a difference between henna products. In my experience, there is. I’ve zeroed in on The Henna Guys. I felt like I had an easier time understanding and following instructions for application as well as having a very informational website.
If you’d like to skip right to my video, click HERE
What is henna?
Henna is a flowering plant! That is used to dye hair, skin, and clothes for thousands of years. The plant can be found in the subtropical region of Asia, Africa, and northern Australia. India, in particular, has a rich history with henna and cultivates the most high-quality henna crops in the world. The crops are then processed and used to make body art tattoo and to make henna hair dye.
The leaves are ground up to powder form. This is how it is shipped to you. Here’s some information taken from the FAQ section on The Henna Guys website.
What are the benefits of using henna?
Besides coloring your hair in the safest way possible, henna has a host of other benefits as well. Henna helps balance out oil production on the scalp while boosting hair growth. Henna also repairs and strengthens the hair and detoxes your scalp and hair while it colors, providing healthier hair.
Cover grays while simultaneously boosting hair health?? YES, PLEASE! Did I mention you can add essential oils to the mixture, too, providing even MORE benefits? Yep. My favorites to add include lavender, rosemary and Stress Away (not necessarily all in the same mixture). You can get any of these essential oils HERE.
Is henna permanent?
Yes. While the color may fade a bit after repeated washing and exposure to the elements, henna is permanent as it binds to the keratin in your hair. The only way to (naturally) remove henna is to let your hair grow out, or do an oil cleanse. The color will be most vibrant for 6-8 weeks after applying.
Does henna work on gray hair?
Yes. Grays are a lot more stubborn than regular hair as grays are coarser than your natural hair, and gray hair follicles make less oil, making it drier as well. This makes it harder for color to penetrate, so you may have to leave it on longer, or do a second application.
I’ve found that my grays end up looking like highlights. I actually like this because it gives my hair some dimension and creates an even more natural look.
Ready to give it a try?
If you’re ready to give it a go, click HERE (this is an affiliate link).
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at simplykatieann@hotmail.com. You can also watch my demonstration video below on how to mix and apply it.